Life in two Spanish towns
We did it! One of life's windows opened up, and we jumped through it with two suitcases and our cat and landed on all fours in Spain. What follows is a nice and accurate account of the whys, hows, wheres and holy-craps of what we did and what we did next. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and at some point you'll probably go to the lavatory.
We spent a year and a half in San Sebastian, then moved to Jerez in September 2024. Depending on what you’re interested in, you can filter the posts by tags: San Sebastian, Jerez, Living and Eating.
The yellow light of Jerez
Jerez has its own colour palette. In San Sebastian, Jess tinkered with watercolours and came up with some amazing stuff – particularly for a beginner.
A (partial) glossary of food in Jerez
Yesterday I was at home threatening the cat and Jess asked me if we were out of butifarra. I said that I don't think so, but if you get caught short there are some tissues in the cupboard.
It’s zambomba month in Jerez
Under the ancient, gargantuan fig tree in the plaza 100 yards from our front door a festive crowd is going off to Zambomba. Zambomba is Christmas flamenco for the masses.
Dining out? Watch out for tricks
Having eaten out daily since we arrived here eight weeks ago I can report that the hospitality operators in Jerez – even the ones running touristy joints – go out of their way to provide exemplary service and are among the friendliest folk in the country.
A tale of two cities – Jerez v. San Sebastian
"You'll struggle down south – their accent is really difficult to understand." This from a San Sebastian local a few months ago when we told him about our impending move to Jerez, at the opposite end of the country.
Japanese flamenco is a thing
If you've ever seen flamenco you'll know that it's the dancing-and-singing equivalent of punching a baboon in the face and then attempting to make love to it.
Cats on a plane: the move to Jerez
You don't get much sleep the night before you take a cat who's prone to bouts of stress-induced diarrhoea on a plane. Pets here are allowed to travel in the cabin with you.