The yellow light of Jerez

Jerez has its own colour palette. In San Sebastian, Jess tinkered with watercolours and came up with some amazing stuff – particularly for a beginner …

Watercolour of a kingfisher

She hasn’t painted for a while. But now that we’ve got an apartment with a bit more space here in Jerez she’s making noises about getting back into it – this time round with acrylics. The source of her renewed inspiration is the colours that pervade Jerez and Andalucia in general: you need a lot of yellow, and a lot of blue.

The approaching summer means that the cat is beginning to shed. The fluffy little bastard makes his presence felt everywhere, even inside the swimsuit area. I’ve offered to take him outside, hang him up and beat him like a rug, but the upshot is that any surface on which there’s wet paint will be compromised by an additional fluffy texture.

The obvious solution is to paint only cats. Trouble is, they’re not yellow or blue.


A (partial) glossary of food in Jerez